
Franz Renner

Thus the autonomy emerged
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
St. Nikolaus
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
Franz, you say that fascism was a bad time for you. Why? What have you seen her? This is a story where we have fallen in Italy, with promises that have not been met. So there is this dictatorship arose in Italy and has used violence, right? They have been equally divided everything else. The judge based economy, has been its meaning, and Italianize everything. The school, every German word forbidden! So, these are already extreme cases do not quite fanatical, but it was so, no? I was there at school. I know it. And then these thirty years, the whole, believed to be, now is again - the story changes by the war, Germany did not prepare. And .. by the other dictator was not all that different? Since then the rest, the boys have all said for virtually any home, just for a certain victory that was preached, what has brought us nothing .. Up until now we have just always our fight for the Germans, for our rights, for our - how to say - as the self-determination, we called and so on. It has waited so long out and delayed. Have they accepted the stop! And now there is that one is which - just as the election - as the election goes down, so is the economy. And now we may be back so somehow satisfied. But when you once again falls back to the story as after the war, where - as I said - what is described as then everything - that's already been a tragic thing.